Florist’s Choice Flower Arrangement
Florist’s Choice Flower Arrangement

Florist’s Choice Flower Arrangement


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Specify your favorite colors and style, then leave the rest to us! We’ll create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest flowers, tailored to the occasion. Our custom arrangements are sure to be treasured and remembered. Whether it’s soft and full, light and airy, a unique discussion starter, or a reminder of the mountains, we delight in highlighting the beauty of each flower to bring the bouquet to life.

Arrangements are available in 3 sizes: standard ~14″ diameter; deluxe ~16″ diameter; and premium ~17″ diameter. All are placed in a vase for delivery.

For more color and style selections, just write them into the boxes below!

Please let us know the occasion that you're sending flowers for.
You can select from our color swatches above, or write in your color requests below
Do you have additional color requests? Please add them here.




Additional information


Deluxe, Premium, Standard

Color Palette

creams & whites, pastels, blues & purples, pinks & salmon, mixed bright colors, peaches & cream, oranges & reds


Elegant Handwrap with Lace Bow, Rustic Handwrap with Twine tie, Elegant Glass vase to match, Rustic vase with burlap bow


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