Duck Trilogy
Duck Trilogy

Duck Trilogy

The story is coming – putting pictures in order here first to fill the spaces. Keep checking back!!

Part of this story is heartbreaking – be fore-warned. That’s Dinner on the Left and our chick-turned-pullet (later), an Americauna Wheaten named Rose on the right. This isn’t the greatest pic of Rose – but as an egg-layer and confirmed couch potato (yes, Bones regularly brought their favorite pullets into the house to snuggle on the sofa) – she was BEAUTIFUL!

I think we can all agree that Dinner was a total Ham!

BTW, while I’m sad to have to say so – all parts, pictures, storyline, and ANYTHING even remotely connected in terms of creativity (including plot, names, AND MORE) to this post are copyright. This story relates a family experience me and my daughter had with our poultry and EVERYTHING is copyrighted.