Shop our variety of flowers for delivery. Most flower arrangements need 36-48 hours pre-order for delivery. This is because we source flowers just to match your order. We deliver Tuesday-Saturday. For fastest delivery, select one of our Florist’s Choice Flower Arrangements!
Everyday Bouquets
Product on saleFlorist’s Choice Flower Arrangement$25.00 – $75.00
Product on saleLady Moon Sunflower Fields Bouquet$45.00 – $115.00
Product on saleMountain MomentOriginal price was: $34.95.$30.95Current price is: $30.95.
Flower Candy Bouquet$58.00 – $77.00
Product on saleMountain Cheer Flower Arrangement$55.00 – $80.00
Country Basket Flower Arrangement$94.50
Chantilly Lace Flower Bouquet$55.00
Product on saleMason Jar Flower Bouquets -Florist’s Choice$20.00 – $175.00
Twinkling Stars Vase Floral Arrangement$65.00
Lady Moon My Spicy Romance Bouquet$85.00 – $135.00
Sympathy Arrangements
Product on saleFlorist’s Choice Flower Arrangement$25.00 – $75.00
Country Basket Flower Arrangement$94.50
Chantilly Lace Flower Bouquet$55.00
Product on saleForest Romance Garden Roses Flower ArrangementOriginal price was: $100.00.$85.00Current price is: $85.00.
Lady Moon Original Floral Designs
Product on saleLady Moon Sunflower Fields Bouquet$45.00 – $115.00
Product on saleMoonlight Romance Flower ArrangementOriginal price was: $95.00.$82.00Current price is: $82.00.
Flower Candy Bouquet$58.00 – $77.00
Product on saleLady Moon Premium Long-Stemmed Roses$105.00 – $125.00
About Our Current Sourcing
Our “flowers for delivery” business was first conceived to sell our own farm-grown flowers. We grow our own flowers, veggies and herbs here in Larimer County at our mountain ranch near Red Feather Lakes. We’ve also partnered with and local flower farmers including Blooms, Blush Flowers on Vine, Little Hollow and Cherry Farm Flowers to source as many local farm flower varieties as possible. We work with Stevens and Son in Denver (who grow many of their own greenhouse varieties on-site) to provide additional year round flowers typical of the floral industry (lilies, roses, carnations, etc), including imported flowers. We are striving to sell 100% American Grown Flowers by 2027, and are members of Slow Flowers and The American Society of Specialty Cut Flower Growers.